THERMIsmooth® for Face and Body
Do you want to reduce fine lines in the forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth or neck, or tighten and reduce the fat in your thighs, arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks, flanks, back, chest, or knees over a series of treatments? THERMIsmooth® may be the right option for you.
THERMIsmooth is a non-invasive dermal remodeling treatment used to target fine wrinkles, tighten the skin, and reduce the appearance of cellulite in a variety of body areas. THERMIsmooth increases the collagen and elastin below the skin using radiofrequency waves, which breaks down the fat in treated areas. THERMIsmooth is performed over a series of treatments every 2-3 weeks (3-6 treatments are recommended for facial areas and 4-6 treatments are recommended for other areas on the body). Most patients do not have any pain with THERMIsmooth treatments, and there is no downtime. THERMIsmooth treatments can be performed in about 15 minutes for each targeted area.
THERMIsmooth is a less invasive treatment than THERMItight®, but it can target the same body areas. Like THERMItight, the fat is then excreted out of the body, so it is important to be well-hydrated before and after each treatment. THERMIsmooth differs from THERMItight because THERMIsmooth treatments are performed over a series of treatments and there is no insertion of a medical electrode under the skin.
THERMIsmooth results last for about 1 year, and a single maintenance treatment is recommended annually.
THERMIsmooth treatments start at $300/treatment. Financing options are available. Alternatively, a 10% discount will be applied for upfront payments by cash, check or credit card of 3 or more treatments.